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New Study Validates Predictive Biomarkers in Diabetic Kidney Disease

NaviDKD® screening technology for kidney health from Journey Biosciences confirmed in type 2 diabetes population.

A new study recently published in the journal Diabetes Care continues to validate the role that specific biomarkers—advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs)—in predicting if a person with diabetes will develop kidney disease. This personalized assessment builds on the developing field of precision medicine in diabetes.

The study looked at more than 1,500 patients with type 2 diabetes in both the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) and Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) trials and determined the presence of a higher AGE score was associated with greater eGFR decline, independent of HbA1c. Journey Biosciences Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Paul Beisswenger, is a lead author of the study.

The study used two large cohorts of patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing intensive glucose-lowering therapies over a significant period of time to determine if AGEs were predictive of diabetes-related kidney disease. The investigators found that the primary endpoint of a 30% reduction in kidney function (eGFR) was significantly associated with a higher AGE score. This result was independent of the patient's study arm, sex, ethnicity, age, or baseline HbA1c. The study found that the duration of diabetes was the only factor dependent on the endpoint.

"We continue to build clinical evidence in this large, ethnically diverse study that supports the predictive nature of our NaviDKD® technology, and we are excited to be able to apply these findings in both the type 1 and type 2 populations. The ability to predict one's risk years ahead of any signs or symptoms provides a critical head start to stop kidney disease from progressing," said Adam Graybill, President and CEO of Journey Biosciences. "This finding supports the utilization of newer tools, such as SGLT-2 inhibitors, to improve clinical outcomes and reduce the exorbitant costs spent on treating diabetes-related complications in the U.S."

About Journey Biosciences

Journey Biosciences is on a mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes through proactive, personalized care. One in three people with diabetes faces the hidden threat of kidney disease. Our flagship solution, NaviDKD®, is an innovative blood test that identifies this risk years in advance, enabling personalized preventive care for better health outcomes. By empowering early action, we aim to significantly reduce the burden of diabetes-related kidney disease on patients and healthcare systems. Discover more at

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